It was then introduced to the world and launched in its initial form in 2012, offering integration with 34 apps. So, how do we harness the best of the internet to streamline our productivity and give way to a whole new level of innovation within our respective work boundaries? How do we make workflows and processes simple, and navigate the digital space with more ease and grace? A simple solution was actually founded in the heart of America by recent college graduates in Columbia, Missouri in 2011. Now, there are added positives and negatives that come with it all when dealing with a remote or hybrid working environment.

Overbearing news alerts and press briefings crop up throughout the day, unintentional death scrolls and deep dives into peoples’ personal data, and misinformation abound. Often, however, we end up having a very tumultuous relationship with the world wide web and everything it has to offer. The internet can be such an inspiring place.